Saturday, April 28, 2012

Soapapilla Cheesecake

I love this time of year. It seems everyone is happy and busy and enjoying the great outdoors. In class today we celebrated The Week of the Young Child by having a Children's Day and a Book Fiesta. The children were more than excited to see this day finally arrive. It was nice to be able to get outside and have some fun because next week the children will be working hard to prepare for our Cinco de Mayo program. As I was driving home today, I was thinking about what I could bring to the teacher luncheon next week. I immediately thought of Soapapilla Cheesecake. This has been a much loved recipe for years. Not only does this recipe taste so fantastic but it uses simple ingredients and it is easy to prepare. If you try this recipe, I promise it will be a favorite of yours too!


  1. That looks delicious!! I'm going to have to make it! :-)

  2. You have to try it and see how great this is! Can't believe you stopped by to comment!


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